Welcome to our new website here at Glad Tidings Church (Sudbury) in beautiful Northern Ontario, Sudbury.
You probably already know that Sudbury is best known as a northern Ontario mining town. The discovery of rich minerals embedded in the geological formation of the Sudbury Basin and the industry that grew from it serves as the economic engine for the area. What you probably do not know is that Sudbury’s origins can be traced back as far as 1883 and the development of the TransCanada rail line. In those early days Sudbury was just a railway stop. It’s name was given by Canadian Pacific Railway superintendent of construction, James Worthington. Since those early days, and despite the long, harsh winters and inhospitable living conditions, Sudbury has grown to a population in excess of 175,000 residents and has become a regional service hub for northern Ontario.
Glad Tidings Church began 1937. Originally located in the downtown area of the city, the congregation has gone through three relocation projects and is now located at the geographical center of the city. Originally it was called Glad Tidings Tabernacle but was officially renamed Glad Tidings Church (Sudbury). Most people just call us “Glad” or GTC.
In those early days Sudbury was just a railway stop. It’s name was given by Canadian Pacific Railway superintendent of construction, James Worthington.
If you’re wondering what kind of church GTC is, we are affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Really though, we are just like everyone else doing the best we can to be decent and responsible people. We are attempting to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ by caring about other people and serving our community in tangible and meaningful ways.
On another note, we would love to have you come by a visit us some time. You could drop in during the week and meet some of us or, you are welcome to join with us on any Sunday when we get together as families. Wondering what to expect? A warm welcome, twenty minutes or so of live music, and a talk from the Bible that we hope you find helpful. You should also know that we have child care that is staffed by qualified workers and volunteers.
Finally, and on a personal note, let me leave you with a couple of thoughts: The first is about music. I like most people enjoy music and, I enjoy different genres of music. A song that sums up where I am at as a person is U2’s Song – “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking for.” Bono, calls it, “A gospel song of the restless spirit.” If you aren’t familiar with it, I like to suggest to you that it might be worth listening to.
Over the past months I have been doing some reading around the finding meaning and purpose in life and ran across this quote by Joseph Campbell, that I would like to sign off with: “People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.” Just something to think about!
Pastor Todd