Service Times
Sunday Morning Service – 10:00am
We meet in the main auditorium at 10am for worship and the word.

Mission, Vision and Core Values
“Glad Tidings Church exists to bring glory to God; to love and serve our community and to invite people into a relationship with Jesus Christ.”
Our church is built on three pillars of vision:
Missional: Demonstrating and announcing the love of Jesus Christ in our neighbourhoods and communities in meaningful, practical and tangible ways.
Discipleship: Developing people into authentic and effective followers of Jesus Christ.
Next Generation: Meeting the relevant generational needs of our community and church while recognizing the next generation is essential for our future.
Our Core Values:
We value Christian faith within the Pentecostal tradition.
We value a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
We value the unique image of God in each person.
We value relationships with all people.
We value the transformation of each person becoming more like Jesus Christ.
We value service in and for our local and global communities.
Our Team
Jean Bielaski
Communications and New Connections
Michelle Fredette
Administrative Assistant for Kids and Family Ministries
Sherri Glass
Directing Pastor for Kids and Family Ministries
Andrew Glass
Youth Pastor
Curtis Gudrie
Lead Pastor
Shirley Hancock
Jessica Manuel
Business Administrator
Scott Manuel
Executive Pastor
Louise McNeil
Reception, Volunteers and Mission
Jessica Orsino
Reception and Volunteer Coordinator
Josh Quinn
Pastoral Care, Visitation and Seniors Ministries
Lynda Roy
Administrative Assistant
Board of Directors
Olaniyi Alo
Ryan Carlson
Mark Dennie
Doumer Horace
Rod Koski
Cynthia MacKenzie
Rhéal Mallais
Dalton Palmer
Peter Vanderkooy
Glad Tidings Church (Sudbury) is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. We adhere to the Statement of Fundemental and Essential Truths as outlined by the PAOC.
Glad Tidings Church (Sudbury) is committed to being an accessible community for those with specific requirements and concerns for moving about the building.