Happy New Year! Many of our programs that were on a holiday break are starting back up again! Check out the list below for more information:
Bible Study with Pastor Todd – A weekly Bible study led by Pastor Todd on Wednesdays at 6:30pm starting back on January 11. We are continuing in Romans. This study is offered in-person in the Upper Chapel and Zoom. Please join the group for more information.
Joyful Noise Kids Choir – Our Kids Choir is open again for new members! Kids will practice weekly on Wednesday evenings starting on January 25 at 6:30pm. Kids will perform on stage during the Easter season. Join the group to register!
Playgroup – Families with little ones are welcome to join the group Wednesday mornings from 10am-noon starting on January 25. Playgroup is a great time for everyone to connect as we enjoy free play and a meaningful circle time.
Student Ministries – Summit Jr. High (grades 6-8) will resume our regular weekly program on Wednesday, January 11 at 6pm. Summit Sr. High (grades 9-12) will resume on Friday, January 13 at 7pm. Join the group to stay up-to-date with this season’s calendar and notifications (like snow cancellations). There is also an exciting bus ministry offering transportation in select areas during ministry nights. We are excited to see what God has for the students this year!
JOY Ministries – Senior Moments Bible Study (A Walk with Matthew) with Pastor Josh will resume Thursdays at 1:30pm starting on January 12. Everyone who is 50+ is welcome to join JOY Ministries. Join the group to see more events!
Prayer Fasting Group – This group is for people who are interested in doing the Daniel Fast, January 8-29. Join the group to communicate and strengthen each other as we fast.
GriefShare – A new in-person only session of GriefShare will begin in February. GriefShare is a program with direction and purpose. With GriefShare you will learn how to walk the journey of grief and be supported on the way. It is a place where grieving people find healing and hope. Stay tuned for more information.
Sweet n Greet – Are you new to GTC since December? We’d love to officially welcome you and say hello! Join us for some sweets in the Upper Chapel after the service on February 5. You’ll get to meet the staff and learn about some other ways to get connected at GTC. We can’t wait to meet you! Please RSVP here.
Stay updated with this information and more by signing up for our weekly email, delivered straight to your inbox Fridays at 7am!