Pastor Todd’s New Chapter

Pastor Todd’s New Chapter

As you may have heard earlier this week, Pastor Todd has accepted an exciting ministry opportunity as the new Executive Vice President at Master’s College and Seminary.

Pastor Todd has been the lead pastor at GTC for a decade, having served in pastoral ministry for nearly 40 years. He has led us faithfully throughout the years, carried us through the uncertain times of a pandemic, and gifted us with his insight and leadership skills that will be deeply missed.

His last Sunday with us will be on January 28, 2024. Though we say goodbye to him for now, we’re happy for his new journey and we know many of you would like an opportunity to express your thanks, well wishes and sentiments to him.

Since Pastor Todd is an avid reader, we thought no better way to say farewell than to create a book of farewell wishes from you to him, featuring notes from our congregation.

If you’d like to contribute and express your sentiments, best wishes, or short personal anecdotes on what he’s meant to you, please fill out the form below by January 19:

You can read the official statement from Master’s College and Seminary here:

Please continue to keep Pastor Todd, Ruth, Sarah and the rest of the family in your prayers as they begin this new chapter!