Vote Sunday is Scheduled!

Vote Sunday is Scheduled!

Howie Scruton shared with us an important new development in our Pastoral Search.

Earlier this month, the Search Committee wrapped up their final interviews, having agreed unanimously to present one final candidate to the Board this past Wednesday. On Thursday morning, we notified the final candidate and they accepted the offer to Preach the Call. 

Please mark your calendars for November 24, for “Vote Sunday” happening during the morning service. All voting members are especially asked to attend, as membership will be voting afterwards. We require 75% of membership to be in attendance to meet quorum. There will be an opportunity the day prior, on Saturday, November 23, to meet with our prospective new Pastor and their family, for a Meet and Greet. Stay tuned for more details to come!

Howie concluded by sharing his appreciation of all Search Committee members who have worked hard these past 6 months. The Search Committee is officially dissolved and now communications will be passed along to Rod Koski, chair of the GTC Board.

We thank God we are embarking on a new season after this time of transition and are excited for all that is to come.