Thanksgiving Reflection 2024

Thanksgiving Reflection 2024

by guest contributor, Valerie Morse

“ Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” (Psalm 150)

Thanksgiving – there is something unique about this celebration. The decorations are of a peaceful nature – things from nature. Gifts from a loving God. Pumpkins, corn stalks and coloured leaves. No hype, no glitter. Is it any wonder that so many people say that Thanksgiving is their favourite celebration of the year? Many families go on nature walks together, the sounds of crunching leaves beneath their feet and the sound of geese overhead honking their way on their journey. The world becomes a quiet place of repose, as though all of nature is being put to bed for a season. A peace and calm surrounds us.

As we gather around the table, with its wonderful sights and smells, everyone is quiet and pensive as each family member prepares to share a special blessing that they have experienced over the year. Youngest to oldest have something special to thank God for before we partake of our feast. Now, the younger ones usually thank God for their Mom and Dad, while the older family members have thanks for heartfelt needs fulfilled.

When it comes to my turn, the many things that come to mind to be thankful for, and there are many, seem to be eclipsed by the greatest blessing of them all. The celebrations of Easter and Christmas seem to culminate in this season of Thanksgiving. Everything pales in comparison to thanking God for staying on that cross when He could have chosen to let that cup pass from Him. But He didn’t. He took my sins upon Himself and He stayed. And when three days later He walked out of that tomb, He provided a way for me to rise as well, to live with Him forever.

So Lord, thank you for friends and family, thank you for your many provisions, but most of all, thank you that You have made a way for us to know You.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!