A new year means another opportunity to grow and be encouraged by God’s word. As we look ahead to 2023, check out the overview of topics of what you can expect to hear Sunday mornings at GTC.

2023 Theme: Affirming What We Believe
Next Generation – January + February
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of each generation?
- How can we support and help each other?
- What are our responsibilities?
Affirming our Faith – February + March
- How to prepare to defend our faith
- Integrity and credibility of the Biblical text
- Who is Jesus?
Easter – April
- The Prophetic Places of Easter
Affirming our Faith (continued) – April + May
- The resurrection, truth
- The problem of suffering, evil and pain
Pentecost – May + June
Pentecostal distinctives:
- Heritage
- Speaking in tongues
- Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Divine healing
What About… – June + July
Things to come and things already here:
- The Rapture
- Signs of the Times
- Climate Change – Is it real and does it matter?
- When will Jesus come again?
- What about the end of the world?
- What about eternal blessing and punishments?
Why Christianity – August + September
- Historically: Christianity’s contribution to civilization
- Present global picture
- Christianity among other religions
- Why I am a believer
Discipleship – September + October
Generosity – October
Worthy – November
- Worthy of Praise, the Lord, the Kingdom, the Gospel
Christmas – December
- The Prophetic Places of Christmas
For a more in-depth view of “Looking Ahead to 2023”, check out Pastor Todd’s introductory sermon here. To view a list of organizations we’ve been able to help support missionally, click here.
We hope you’ll truly be blessed by the messages you hear as we gather together in 2023!