A Thank You Letter from Pastor Todd

A Thank You Letter from Pastor Todd

Dear Glad Tidings Church Family,

Ruth, Sarah and I want to express our deep appreciation to you for your many displays of love and well wishes to us as we said goodbye a couple of weeks ago. 

We have felt loved, appreciated and cared for by the many encouraging words, emails, letters, cards and, your gifts to us.

We love the book that was presented to us on your behalf by Jean Bielaski. It is one of the most endearing gifts we have received from a congregation. It will also be something we will treasure and read, again and again, for years to come. 

We would also like to thank you for the gifts and cards you gave to us personally and the gifts presented to us on your behalf by Cynthia MacKenzie and Howie Scruton. 

To add to that, we were overwhelmed by the generous gift of money we received from you through the love offering. This was something we were not expecting; but congregation, staff and board have always been kind toward us.

Thank You!

As I reflect on the past decade, I am deeply grateful for the journey and the relationships as congregation and pastor and as friends. It has been a privilege and honour to serve our God, in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit.

May God’s blessing continually be yours!

-Pastor Todd, Ruth and Sarah Manuel