Here are more details about the events to come during the weekend of November 23 & 24.
All GTC Voting Members are asked to attend our upcoming Vote Sunday weekend which will consist of Preaching the Call, followed by voting in a Special Meeting of Members.
Here is the schedule of the weekend events:
Saturday, November 23, 2024
3-5 p.m. Meet & Greet for church family
Gymnasium, Glad Tidings Church (Sudbury)
Meet our pastoral candidate and hear his heart for our church. Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be provided. There will be an opportunity to submit questions in advance for a Q&A – more details to come.
Sunday, November 24, 2024
10 a.m. Morning Service, Main Auditorium
Our pastoral candidate will be Preaching the Call (sharing the message) during our morning service. While there will be no programming for kids during this Sunday, families are welcome to stay in the service. Quiet toys and busy bags are welcome, and we’ll also have some colouring pages. Families with younger kids are also welcome to view the service via livestream in the gymnasium. Please note the Preach the Call portion of the service will not be livestreamed for our online audiences.
Notice of Special Meeting of Members:
11:15 a.m., Sunday, November 24, 2024
Purpose: Considering the Calling of a Senior Pastor
Location: Gymnasium, Glad Tidings Church (Sudbury)
Voting Members can register for the meeting here:
Please note only registered voting members should RSVP to attend. Official voting members would have attended a GTC Membership Class and received a certificate of membership.
Anyone is welcome to attend the Meet & Greet on Saturday and hear the Preach the Call on Sunday, but only official membership will be able to participate in the voting process afterwards held in the gymnasium.
For more information about our Pastoral Transition, visit our landing page at